Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Glad I'm Not At The Fence

I live in the suburbs of Kansas City and thank God my kids are older. I went outside yesterday to let the dogs out and I saw my two stay-at-home mom neighbors a couple houses down. And guess what they were doing?

They were talking to each other over the fence! That's right doing the whole "Let's talk over the 4'ft wood picket fence that we put up to keep each other's kids & dogs out of my yard fence". They each had a hand on one hip and a baby monitor in the other hand. It made me think back to my old days, (when I used to do that act of liking the other stay-at-home mom because our kids where going to play together no matter what, so I guess I better at least act like I like you)and made me want to vomit.

Yes, I'm grateful to my now 17 year old daughter, whom while during her "13-14 year old stage" put us through the bowels of hell without a towel. I would much rather fight with a teenager than have to socialize with a mother I really don't care about. And then have to compare kids. And don't think for a minute that doesn't go on. Because it does! The Game is Real! Dealing with teen girls is gravy compared to standing at that fence with a hip in one hand and a silent baby monitor in the other. Because I know what is on the other side of that baby monitor.

A sleep baby is on the other side only to be awoken by the sounds of elementary kids coming home from school. Those excited little kids running into the house through the front door, forgetting everything they just learned in school about quiet voices. Slamming that door shut, only after doing a quick scan of the house to see if the baby is up. And knowing if the baby is no where in sight then "it" must be sleeping. And since mom made us go to school, then let's get her back by waking up the baby.  Also, let's have tons of energy because we are finally home from school. Then throw in making the baby cry too, by taking away toys from it and getting in their face. Oh yeah! I'm so glad I'm not at that fence right now!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I'm going to keep this short and to the point. I want to put my disclaimer on here. I honestly don't care about a person's color of their skin. But what I do care is about someone's character. Mine fluctuates from good decisions, thoughts, and words to bad ones. And with that said I'm having some problems with the "Black Lives Matter" propaganda going on in our country. I believe "All Lives Matter" no matter what! And here is my explanation why:

Here is the scenario:
A 2 year old "mixed" girl with a Mama whom is black and a Daddy whom is white. Are you going to make that little girl choose which one of her parents lives are more important to her?  Does the Mama need to die because of her skin or does the Daddy need to die because his "7 great-grandfathers" back might have been a slave owner? Both reasons are out of everyone's control involved. The little girl was born into this, the Mama was born this way, and the Daddy was born into that family. All which was out of the control of all.

So see! ALL LIVES MATTER! Because we are NOT responsible for where God decides to put us. But we ARE responsible for our actions by which we live. That was just my thought for today. I would love to hear your responses.

Please think about this and pray on it.