Sunday, July 10, 2016

Who's Ready to Move to "Weedica" (Part 3)

"Weedica" Part 3

The idea continues...

So I was watching YouTube this morning. I searched "Epic Fights" and got to thinking that we are taught that we need to get out our aggression. But the thing is that we don't know how to get out release all that emotion that is way deep within us. So we watch movies like, "Fight Club" and others and think that we need violence to relieve ourselves. When that is really not true. We don't need to hit or yell at someone or something  to make ourselves feel better. We just need to lay it at the cross and forgive ourselves of the shame for even getting to that point of anger.

That is the key to life...letting go of our shame. We live with so much shame from our past and don't know how to give it up. That is why we are not able to love others and ourselves. We can't love others because WE get in the way our ourselves. But that shame you feel is the very reason Jesus died on the cross. Jesus was sent here on earth by God (His Father) to die on the cross for our shame (sin) so you don't have to live with your shame. And the reason the government outlawed marijuana is because they knew that it helped you get to that point understanding God's Love.


On this island the people with know and understand God's love. They will want to love others the way that God loves us. And understand that fighting is not the answer. They will understand that love is the only way to deal with conflict. When people are fighting or acting badly,  usually it's because of a hurt deep within that person. The great thing about "Weedica" is that the people on this island will understand this. They will give others grace and mercy unlike what we give to others here.

There won't be any sickness because there won't be any stress. We will live a carefree life. And if there is cancer it will be cured with cannabis. Because our government knows that cancer can be cured with cannabis now, but is making too much money with the treatment now. All the crazy chemicals we are treating cancer with now astonishes me. I can say this because I had cancer. And my body is still trying to heal from the crap that was put in my body. Only by the Grace of God am I healed.

I'm so ready for this island. Who is with me?

"Weedica" Part 2

"Weedica" Part 2

So I'm still on my secluded hemp filled island and everyone is getting along lovely. No fighting and no casual sex either. We are still living by God's Laws and we have just this incredible awesome connection to the Holy Spirit because of marijuana. And that is exactly what our government does not want. And that is exactly what I'm running from.

I guess you can say I'm a conspiracy-ist.  I love reading and researching about the Illuminati, chem trails (which to me is so old news), and how we are being brainwashed. But I believe that once we are healed and have forgive ourselves from our shame then we are truly close with God. But our government saw how marijuana helped us get there quickly and sincerely. That scared them, and they outlawed marijuana. And made us believe if we tried pot then we will fore sure try a harder drug. (which would be a chemical drug made by the government). And then we would become addicted to those drugs and hurt everyone around us. And we believed it...

Our food on "Weedica" would be grown by seedlings. And would just self produce. We would work together finding out each other strengths and weaknesses. Then we would try to build each other up or just leave each other alone. No need for fighting, we are only responsibly for our actions, words and thoughts. And when you get to calm your mind then you get to think about your words. And when you get to think about your words you make sure your words are words of encouragement and love. Not words that breakdown and hurt. That is the devil, "Weedica" is of God and ruled by God.

So what do you think so far????

"Weedica" Part 1

I would just like to throw my hat out into the ring about the whole "legalization of pot" battle. I completely believe in the legalization of marijuana. And I completely believe that there is a whole conspiracy theory behind the reasoning it became illegal in the first place. I believe alcohol prohibition was the start of social experiments on society to see what synthetic and natural drugs human man can handle. And with that the government takes that information and either legalizes or illegals the drug. It is my belief that the government found the incredible healing powers of marijuana and found that numerous government agencies would be affected by this herb, both economically and ethically.

So immediately the government created a campaign against marijuana to frighten society because they saw first hand marijuana's healing powers. The ad campaigns stating that marijuana is the gateway drug to many harder and more addictive drugs. That way it helps enforce fear in society. Fear and brainwashing was also instilled in the user. The user is enforced that if you try marijuana you will, without a doubt go onto other drugs. You think that's true "because the government said I will use harder drugs if I use pot"...Like a self proclaimed prophesy.

But the truth is you don't! It is the chemical narcs that make people crave more. I have never seen a pot smoker say I needed harder pot. Nope and when you are on a particular drug you tend to crave that same drug...right? So why would a pot smoke crave meth? It doesn't make sense to me. An alcoholic never craves meth or heroine do they? NO! They crave alcohol! I have never seen that with marijuana. Marijuana first of is not addictive. No one goes into rehab for marijuana only. They go in rehab for all the chemical drugs they are using. But we have been programmed to think marijuana is the culprit when in fact is is the healer.

Another thing that is funny to me is some of the people that are against pot are people that have never tried it. To me that is crazy! You can't knock it till you try it. Stop judging without knowledge and wisdom!

And as you pop that Hydro or Xanax (which IS addictive) and only comes with self destruction...which is a fact! I want you to think about where you are now and where you were 6 months ago and why.

I have yet to see a criminal case that the criminal was just high on liquor, no other chemicals at all. Never!!! People just don't tend to do violent criminal behavior  when they are stoned. Which brings me to my main reason for this Blog...

Welcome to "Weedica"

I would create an island and only allow people to be treated with marijuana. Of course there would be different strands but only natural God created strands. We would have our own currency and never would we ever allow anyone else's money in our country. Nothing foreign would ever be allowed on my island. It would be a first come first serve kind of thing if you want to live here.

The lanes on my highway would read..."Super Stoned"..."Stoned"...."Not Stoned".  HAHAH!

My laws would be simple...God's Law's!..... Exodus 20: 1-17, but I know a lot of you won't read this and I get that. I don't think I would have. The Commandments are for ourselves...OWN IT! And this means by not deflecting from yourself by pointing out someone else's flaws.  Pot helps you do that in so many ways. It helps you forgive, it helps you see where you need forgiven, but most of all it helps you get so close with God. And that is what our government saw and that is why they outlawed this natural and harmless herb so fast.

But first and foremost....We would love each other. Because that is what this herb does...It helps everyone love each other. And maybe to some love is a scary thing????

Exodus 20The Message (MSG)

20 1-2 God spoke all these words:
I am God, your God,
    who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
    out of a life of slavery.
No other gods, only me.
4-6 No carved gods of any size, shape, or form of anything whatever, whether of things that fly or walk or swim. Don’t bow down to them and don’t serve them because I am God, your God, and I’m a most jealous God, punishing the children for any sins their parents pass on to them to the third, and yes, even to the fourth generation of those who hate me. But I’m unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love me and keep my commandments.
No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter; God won’t put up with the irreverent use of his name.
8-11 Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God,your God. Don’t do any work—not you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maid, nor your animals, not even the foreign guest visiting in your town. For in six days God made Heaven, Earth, and sea, and everything in them; he rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the Sabbath day; he set it apart as a holy day.
12 Honor your father and mother so that you’ll live a long time in the land that God, your God, is giving you.
13 No murder.
14 No adultery.
15 No stealing.
16 No lies about your neighbor.
17 No lusting after your neighbor’s house—or wife or servant or maid or ox or donkey. Don’t set your heart on anything that is your neighbor’s.
18-19 All the people, experiencing the thunder and lightning, the trumpet blast and the smoking mountain, were afraid—they pulled back and stood at a distance. They said to Moses, “You speak to us and we’ll listen, but don’t have God speak to us or we’ll die.”
20 Moses spoke to the people: “Don’t be afraid. God has come to test you and instill a deep and reverent awe within you so that you won’t sin.”
21 The people kept their distance while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was.
22-26 God said to Moses, “Give this Message to the People of Israel: ‘You’ve experienced firsthand how I spoke with you from Heaven. Don’t make gods of silver and gods of gold and then set them alongside me. Make me an earthen Altar. Sacrifice your Whole-Burnt-Offerings, your Peace-Offerings, your sheep, and your cattle on it. Every place where I cause my name to be honored in your worship, I’ll be there myself and bless you. If you use stones to make my Altar, don’t use dressed stones. If you use a chisel on the stones you’ll profane the Altar. Don’t use steps to climb to my Altar because that will expose your nakedness.’”

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Glad I'm Not At The Fence

I live in the suburbs of Kansas City and thank God my kids are older. I went outside yesterday to let the dogs out and I saw my two stay-at-home mom neighbors a couple houses down. And guess what they were doing?

They were talking to each other over the fence! That's right doing the whole "Let's talk over the 4'ft wood picket fence that we put up to keep each other's kids & dogs out of my yard fence". They each had a hand on one hip and a baby monitor in the other hand. It made me think back to my old days, (when I used to do that act of liking the other stay-at-home mom because our kids where going to play together no matter what, so I guess I better at least act like I like you)and made me want to vomit.

Yes, I'm grateful to my now 17 year old daughter, whom while during her "13-14 year old stage" put us through the bowels of hell without a towel. I would much rather fight with a teenager than have to socialize with a mother I really don't care about. And then have to compare kids. And don't think for a minute that doesn't go on. Because it does! The Game is Real! Dealing with teen girls is gravy compared to standing at that fence with a hip in one hand and a silent baby monitor in the other. Because I know what is on the other side of that baby monitor.

A sleep baby is on the other side only to be awoken by the sounds of elementary kids coming home from school. Those excited little kids running into the house through the front door, forgetting everything they just learned in school about quiet voices. Slamming that door shut, only after doing a quick scan of the house to see if the baby is up. And knowing if the baby is no where in sight then "it" must be sleeping. And since mom made us go to school, then let's get her back by waking up the baby.  Also, let's have tons of energy because we are finally home from school. Then throw in making the baby cry too, by taking away toys from it and getting in their face. Oh yeah! I'm so glad I'm not at that fence right now!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I'm going to keep this short and to the point. I want to put my disclaimer on here. I honestly don't care about a person's color of their skin. But what I do care is about someone's character. Mine fluctuates from good decisions, thoughts, and words to bad ones. And with that said I'm having some problems with the "Black Lives Matter" propaganda going on in our country. I believe "All Lives Matter" no matter what! And here is my explanation why:

Here is the scenario:
A 2 year old "mixed" girl with a Mama whom is black and a Daddy whom is white. Are you going to make that little girl choose which one of her parents lives are more important to her?  Does the Mama need to die because of her skin or does the Daddy need to die because his "7 great-grandfathers" back might have been a slave owner? Both reasons are out of everyone's control involved. The little girl was born into this, the Mama was born this way, and the Daddy was born into that family. All which was out of the control of all.

So see! ALL LIVES MATTER! Because we are NOT responsible for where God decides to put us. But we ARE responsible for our actions by which we live. That was just my thought for today. I would love to hear your responses.

Please think about this and pray on it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Key to Life is in the Knees

Here are some things about our body I bet you didn't know. Our immune system really starts in our knees. Our system runs from the bottom to the top.   You will find a link between people who first suffer from knee problems go into cancer patients. It is imperative that we keep our knee joints clean and functioning.

Think about it, our knees get most abused by us everyday. With every step or jump we are putting pressure on our knee joints. I think the knees are the secret to a healthy life. Also, here is a fact, people are grumpy with knee pain. So knees do control emotions.

When one gets or gives themselves an immune massage, that massage will start from the legs and continue to the neck. When the knee joints start to "pop" that means those nodes passageways to the rest of the body are getting blocked off. I have no idea if it's a good thing to pop your knees or not. I just knows that is what that means. It's our "warning bell" if you will. Be aware of you body's language.

Some ways you can help your body:

*During your shower;
1. Massage your face with by Chinese anti-wrinkle massage with apple cider vinegar.
              -you can put apple cider vinegar on any ailments.

2. Everyday end your shower scrub yourself with Epsom Salt. Start with your knees, to every lymph-nodes, finish with your face.

By doing this everyday, in 2 weeks you will feel an incredible difference. Let me know your thoughts